Monthly Archive: June, 2013

The Overall Company


I grew up in a small town about 25 minutes down the road from Auburn, Alabama. The town’s name is Lanett, but we affectionately call it (along with the two neighboring towns) “The… Continue reading

The Moroccan Mint Tea Latte


Or, The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Please Move Closer to Nashville Let me tell you about my favorite drink–the Moroccan Mint Tea Latte from The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. That’s a… Continue reading

dose. [coffee & tea]


We’re fans of any place of business with punctuation in its name, so dose. [coffee & tea] was immediately in our good graces. We managed to arrive at the shop a mere five… Continue reading

How Coffee Is Made


Here’s a little retro-style, how-it’s-made video about coffee. The journey of the coffee bean to your cup is a fascinating one.