Monthly Archive: September, 2013

The History and the Cultural Significance of the Pumpkin Spice Latte


In the late 20th century, possibly due in part to a television series entitled “Friends,” entire establishments built around the sale of coffee began popping up on street corners, gradually creating a sub-culture of… Continue reading

Guest Shopping: Tim Hortons


Welcome to our very first guest post at Coffee Shoppers! If you’d like to guest post, contact us here.  Jan Moyer is a funny teacher and mom of four boys. She’s also Canadian.… Continue reading

Edgehill Café


Welcome to the first reader-recommended Coffee Shoppers review! Today’s review comes to you by way of Haley Bragg, a Nashvillian Internet pal of ours, who gave us the heads up about Edgehill Café.… Continue reading

Sam & Zoe’s


Sam & Zoe’s is located in the delightful community of Berry Hill. The buildings are colorful, the restaurants are delicious, and the people are proud to be here. Sam & Zoe’s is located… Continue reading