Monthly Archive: November, 2013

Coffee Links for Your Thanksgiving Break


With the Thanksgiving holidays this week, we’re betting you’re going to have some time to kill. Time in the car, or on a plane, or hiding in the bathroom from that one relative… Continue reading

Guest Post: Case Study Coffee–Portland, OR


Ariana Wehr is a self-proclaimed coffee addict. She also travels a lot because she’s an opera singer. Cool, right? It also makes her a perfect person to guest post here at Coffee Shoppers!… Continue reading

J&J’s Market and Café


J&J’s Market and Café is a unique shop in the heart of midtown Nashville. It kind of lives under the radar. To the untrained eye it may look like a quaint, mid-century style convenience… Continue reading

The Dripolator Coffeehouse – Black Mountain, NC


Nestled in the mountains of North Carolina, just east of Asheville, is the small town of Black Mountain. There is a little area in the town that has fun little shops and restaurants… Continue reading