Coffee Shop Name Generator

Name Generator

So you’ve been to all the coffee shops in the area a hundred times. You’ve studied the decor and the atmosphere. You’ve perfected all the French presses and the latte art and the brewing techniques. You took a few business classes in college. You think, “I could do this — I should open up my own shop!”

We encourage this line of thinking. We say, the more the merrier when it comes to coffee shops. Especially in Nashville.

But it’s not just the coffee and tea you have to get right. It’s vital that you come up with the perfect coffee shop name. Your name conveys to the world who you are and what kind of place your shop is. It needs to be unique, fun, and welcoming. A lot of pressure, isn’t it? Don’t worry; we’re here to help.

Without further ado, we present the first ever* very scientific Coffee Shop Name Generator! (oooo, ahhhh…imagine us pulling a dusty sheet off an indistinguishable figure to reveal a giant metal contraption)

Here. We. Go.


Step 1. Find the second letter of your first name:

A- [Your Hometown]
B- Brew
C- Coffee
D- Red
E- Downtown
F- [Pick a noun. Literally any noun.]
G- [Your name]’s
H- Local
I- [Pick a character from Greek mythology]
J- [Your street name]
K- Sips
L- East Side
M- [Last name of your favorite book character]
N- [Pick a number]
O- [Pick an exotic animal]
P- Slow roast
Q- [Pick a noun. Literally any noun.]
R- Barista
S- Hand-crafted
T- The
U- [Your first name]’s
V- Cafe
W- Jittery
X- [Pick a noun. Literally any noun.]
Y- Tea
Z- [Your first pet’s name]’s

Step 2. If your mom’s maiden name begins with A-F, please skip to step 7.

Step 3. If you grew up in a state that starts with an A, insert a period and skip to step 6.
Step 4. If you grew up in a state that starts with an M, insert a comma and skip to step 6.
Step 5. If you grew up in a state that begins with “North” or “South,” insert a colon.

Step 6. Find the last letter of your last name:

A- Eats
B- Bistro
C- Cafe
D- Brews
E- Company
F- Barista
G- Cup
H- House
I- Perk
J- Java
K- Roasters
L- Lounge
M- Mugs
N- Coffee Company
O- Bean
P- Parlor
Q- Coffee and Tea
R- Room
S- Shop
T- Coffee
U-V- Town
W-X- Leaf
Y-Z- Place

Step 7. If you take your coffee black, insert a period.


What’s your shop name? Let us know in the comments! 

*probably not first ever