Monthly Archive: October, 2014

Coffee Shoppers’ Halloween Costume Guide


It’s time. Stock the candy bowl. Carve up the pumpkin. Break out the costumes. Now, we know if you’ve waited until this point to get a costume, you’re out of ideas. Don’t worry.… Continue reading

Barista Parlor Golden Sound


Nashville’s hottest new coffee shop is Barista Parlor Golden Sound. Located in the alley behind Taylor Swift’s alleged loft,* this shop has everything. Pickled preserves, science experiments, Moonshine jugs, Nashville-Filter-Hashtag-Vinyl (it’s that thing where… Continue reading

Top 6 Coffee Shops in TV & Movies


  Coffee Shops have their own special little place in T.V. and movies. Seeing as we love T.V. and movies (especially T.V.), and we love coffee shops, we also loved Jamie‘s suggestion to write about famous… Continue reading

Our Mugs Are Empty, or ‘Writer’s Block’


We have writer’s block. This is partly due to the fact that we haven’t been together in a while and it’s difficult to really brainstorm via text while one or both of you… Continue reading

Top Five Nashville Coffee Shop Conversations


We spend a lot of time in coffee shops. Specifically, Nashville coffee shops. This is probably obvious, but sometimes it’s difficult to write these intros, so let’s just keep going while we have… Continue reading