Category Archive: Misc

What the First Thanksgiving and Coffee Shops Have in Common


The first Thanksgiving was a lot like a coffee shop in Nashville. Hear us out. On the first Thanksgiving, two groups gathered to share a meal around a communal table. Some were natives… Continue reading

If Nashville Coffee Shops Were Current Reality Shows


Nashville coffee shops have a bit of personality. You chose which one to go to based on what you’re looking for, much like T.V. shows. We love personifying coffee shops, so we thought why… Continue reading

Coffee Shoppers’ Halloween Costume Guide


It’s time. Stock the candy bowl. Carve up the pumpkin. Break out the costumes. Now, we know if you’ve waited until this point to get a costume, you’re out of ideas. Don’t worry.… Continue reading

Top 6 Coffee Shops in TV & Movies


  Coffee Shops have their own special little place in T.V. and movies. Seeing as we love T.V. and movies (especially T.V.), and we love coffee shops, we also loved Jamie‘s suggestion to write about famous… Continue reading

Our Mugs Are Empty, or ‘Writer’s Block’


We have writer’s block. This is partly due to the fact that we haven’t been together in a while and it’s difficult to really brainstorm via text while one or both of you… Continue reading

Top Five Nashville Coffee Shop Conversations


We spend a lot of time in coffee shops. Specifically, Nashville coffee shops. This is probably obvious, but sometimes it’s difficult to write these intros, so let’s just keep going while we have… Continue reading

REALLY?!? with Laura & Elizabeth [Pumpkin Spice Lattes in August Edition]


Disclaimer: this post may or may not be relegated exclusively to The South. Really, Starbucks? Really?! It’s 100 degrees outside with 1000% humidity and you want us to believe it’s fall enough to… Continue reading

Coffee Shoppers Read Mean Comments [VIDEO]


Today is a very special day for more than one reason. But mostly because we made a video. [insert fanfare here] Yes, it’s our film debut as Coffee Shoppers. The other reason today’s special… Continue reading

An Open Letter to Returning Nashville College Students


Dear ‘Dores, Bruins, Bisons, Tigers, and Trojans, Welcome back. We’ve been expecting you. We know that soon you will descend in droves upon our shops and houses (of coffee). We’re glad you’re here… Continue reading

4th of July Inspired Coffee Shop Drinks


Our fellow Americans: Friday is the day we celebrate our independence, our freedom, and our barbecue. We eat, we swim, we play with fire. We instagram all of it and hashtag ‘merica because,… Continue reading