Tag Archive: Coffee Shoppers

Coffee Shoppers Read Mean Comments [VIDEO]


Today is a very special day for more than one reason. But mostly because we made a video. [insert fanfare here] Yes, it’s our film debut as Coffee Shoppers. The other reason today’s special… Continue reading

Top 10 Things Not to Do in a Coffee Shop


We get it. Coffee shops can be intimidating. People in coffee shops can be judgmental. Definitely not us, of course. But people. Because we are nothing if not helpful, we thought we’d help… Continue reading

Bond Coffee Company


  Bond Coffee Company is located in the Gulch, between Cantina Loredo and Music City Flats. It’s relatively new to Nashville, but we’d only heard good things, so we thought we should check… Continue reading



When most people think of Nashville coffee shops, they think of Fido. Fido has been around for a while, because Elizabeth went there on another one of her trips to become more “cultured”… Continue reading

How To Order at a Trendy Coffee Shop


Y’know, we here at Coffee Shoppers are here to serve you. To provide you with information and make your life easier. Need to know where to go for the best chai? What the… Continue reading

Cafe Coco


Café Coco is an eclectic (in the truest sense of the word) coffee shop and restaurant in midtown Nashville, typically brimming with hippies and Vanderbilt students at all hours of the night and… Continue reading

The Overall Company


I grew up in a small town about 25 minutes down the road from Auburn, Alabama. The town’s name is Lanett, but we affectionately call it (along with the two neighboring towns) “The… Continue reading

dose. [coffee & tea]


We’re fans of any place of business with punctuation in its name, so dose. [coffee & tea] was immediately in our good graces. We managed to arrive at the shop a mere five… Continue reading

Barista Parlor


Barista Parlor is a specialty coffee shop in East Nashville, an up-and-coming area of town known for its through-the-roof level of hip-ness. It’s a relatively new shop and remains somewhat under the radar… Continue reading